
view tools/uahelper.c @ 15:d012b9a282d9

READMEs changed
author HIROSE Yuuji <>
date Sun, 07 May 2023 13:13:36 +0900
line source
1 /* ========================================================================
2 * Copyright 1988-2006 University of Washington
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 *
11 * ========================================================================
12 */
14 /*
15 * Program: unANSIify
16 *
17 * Author: Mark Crispin
18 * Networks and Distributed Computing
19 * Computing & Communications
20 * University of Washington
21 * 4545 15th Ave NE
22 * Seattle, WA 98105-4527
23 * Internet: MRC@CAC.Washington.EDU
24 *
25 * Date: 1 June 1995
26 * Last Edited: 30 August 2006
27 */
30 /* This program is designed to make traditional C sources out of my source
31 * files which use ANSI syntax. This program depends heavily upon knowledge
32 * of the way I write code, and is not a general purpose tool. I hope that
33 * someday someone will provide a general purpose tool...
34 */
36 #include <stdio.h>
38 #define LINELENGTH 1000
41 /* Find first non-whitespace
42 * Accepts: string
43 * Returns: 0 if no non-whitespace found, or pointer to non-whitespace
44 */
46 char *fndnws (s)
47 char *s;
48 {
49 while ((*s == ' ') || (*s == '\t'))
50 if ((*s++ == '\n') || !*s) return (char *) 0;
51 return s;
52 }
55 /* Find first whitespace
56 * Accepts: string
57 * Returns: 0 if no whitespace found, or pointer to whitespace
58 */
60 char *fndws (s)
61 char *s;
62 {
63 while ((*s != ' ') && (*s != '\t'))
64 if ((*s++ == '\n') || !*s) return (char *) 0;
65 return s;
66 }
69 /* Find end of commend
70 * Accepts: string
71 * Returns: -1 if end of comment found, else 0
72 */
74 int fndcmt (s)
75 char *s;
76 {
77 while (*s && (*s != '\n'))
78 if ((*s++ == '*') && (*s == '/')) return -1;
79 return 0;
80 }
82 /* Output a line
83 * Accepts: string
84 */
86 void poot (s)
87 char *s;
88 {
89 if (s) fputs (s,stdout);
90 }
93 /* Skip prefix
94 * Accepts: string
95 * Returns: updated string
96 */
98 char *skipfx (s)
99 char *s;
100 {
101 char c,*t = s,*tt;
102 /* skip leading whitespace too */
103 while ((*s == ' ') || (*s == '\t')) *s++;
104 if (s != t) {
105 c = *s; /* save character */
106 *s = '\0'; /* tie off prefix */
107 poot (t); /* output prefix */
108 *s = c; /* restore character */
109 }
110 /* a typedef? */
111 if (((s[0] == 't') && (s[1] == 'y') && (s[2] == 'p') && (s[3] == 'e') &&
112 (s[4] == 'd') && (s[5] == 'e') && (s[6] == 'f')) &&
113 (t = fndws (s)) && (t = fndnws (t))) {
114 if ((t[0] == 'u') && (t[1] == 'n') && (t[2] == 's') && (t[3] == 'i') &&
115 (t[4] == 'g') && (t[5] == 'n') && (t[6] == 'e') && (t[7] == 'd') &&
116 (tt = fndws (t+7)) && (tt = fndnws (tt))) t = tt;
117 c = *t; /* save character */
118 *t = '\0'; /* tie off prefix */
119 poot (s); /* output prefix */
120 *t = c; /* restore character */
121 s = t; /* new string pointer */
122 }
123 /* static with known prefix */
124 else if (((s[0] == 's') && (s[1] == 't') && (s[2] == 'a') &&
125 (s[3] == 't') && (s[4] == 'i') && (s[5] == 'c') &&
126 (s[6] == ' ')) &&
127 (((s[7] == 'u') && (s[8] == 'n') && (s[9] == 's') &&
128 (s[10] == 'i') && (s[11] == 'g') && (s[12] == 'n') &&
129 (s[13] == 'e') && (s[14] == 'd')) ||
130 ((s[7] == 's') && (s[8] == 't') && (s[9] == 'r') &&
131 (s[10] == 'u') && (s[11] == 'c') && (s[12] == 't')) ||
132 ((s[7] == 'd') && (s[8] == 'o')) ||
133 ((s[9] == 'e') && (s[10] == 'l') && (s[11] == 's') &&
134 (s[12] == 'e'))) &&
135 (t = fndws (s)) && (t = fndnws (t)) &&
136 (t = fndws (t)) && (t = fndnws (t))) {
137 c = *t; /* save character */
138 *t = '\0'; /* tie off prefix */
139 poot (s); /* output prefix */
140 *t = c; /* restore character */
141 s = t; /* new string pointer */
142 }
143 /* one of the known prefixes? */
144 else if ((((s[0] == 'u') && (s[1] == 'n') && (s[2] == 's') &&
145 (s[3] == 'i') && (s[4] == 'g') && (s[5] == 'n') &&
146 (s[6] == 'e') && (s[7] == 'd')) ||
147 ((s[0] == 's') && (s[1] == 't') && (s[2] == 'r') &&
148 (s[3] == 'u') && (s[4] == 'c') && (s[5] == 't')) ||
149 ((s[0] == 's') && (s[1] == 't') && (s[2] == 'a') &&
150 (s[3] == 't') && (s[4] == 'i') && (s[5] == 'c')) ||
151 ((s[0] == 'd') && (s[1] == 'o')) ||
152 ((s[0] == 'e') && (s[1] == 'l') && (s[2] == 's') &&
153 (s[3] == 'e'))) &&
154 (t = fndws (s)) && (t = fndnws (t))) {
155 c = *t; /* save character */
156 *t = '\0'; /* tie off prefix */
157 poot (s); /* output prefix */
158 *t = c; /* restore character */
159 s = t; /* new string pointer */
160 }
161 /* may look like a proto, but isn't */
162 else if ((s[0] == 'r') && (s[1] == 'e') && (s[2] == 't') && (s[3] == 'u') &&
163 (s[4] == 'r') && (s[5] == 'n')) {
164 poot (s);
165 return 0;
166 }
167 return s;
168 }
170 /* UnANSI a line
171 * Accepts: string
172 */
174 void unansi (s)
175 char *s;
176 {
177 char c,*t = s,*u,*v;
178 while (t[1] && (t[1] != '\n')) t++;
179 switch (*t) {
180 case ',': /* continued on next line? */
181 /* slurp remainder of line */
182 fgets (t + 1,LINELENGTH - (t + 1 - s),stdin);
183 unansi (s); /* try again */
184 break;
185 case ';': /* function prototype? */
186 /* yes, tie it off */
187 *(fndws (fndnws (fndws (fndnws (s))))) = '\0';
188 printf ("%s ();\n",s); /* and output non-ANSI form */
189 break;
190 case ')':
191 *t = '\0'; /* tie off args */
192 if (*(t = fndnws (fndws (fndnws (fndws (fndnws (s)))))) == '(') {
193 *t++ = '\0'; /* tie off */
194 while ((*t == ' ') || (*t == '\t')) t++;
195 if ((t[0] == 'v') && (t[1] == 'o') && (t[2] == 'i') && (t[3] == 'd') &&
196 !t[4]) *t = '\0'; /* make void be same as null */
197 printf ("%s(",s); /* output start of function */
198 s = t;
199 while (*s) { /* for each argument */
200 while ((*s == ' ') || (*s == '\t')) s++;
201 for (u = v = s; (*u && (*u != ',') && (*u != '[')); u++)
202 if ((*u == ' ') || (*u == '\t')) v = u;
203 c = *u; /* remember delimiter */
204 *u = '\0'; /* tie off argument name */
205 while (*++v == '*'); /* remove leading pointer indication */
206 fputs (v,stdout); /* write variable name */
207 *(s = u) = c; /* restore delimiter */
208 while (*s && (*s != ',')) *s++;
209 if (*s) fputc (*s++,stdout);
210 }
211 puts (")"); /* end of function */
212 while (*t) { /* for each argument */
213 fputs (" ",stdout);
214 while ((*t == ' ') || (*t == '\t')) t++;
215 while (*t && (*t != ',')) fputc (*t++,stdout);
216 puts (";");
217 if (*t == ',') t++;
218 }
219 }
220 else printf ("%s)",s); /* say what?? */
221 break;
222 default: /* doesn't look like a function */
223 poot (s);
224 }
225 }
227 main ()
228 {
229 char *s,*t,line[LINELENGTH];
230 int c;
231 while (s = fgets (line,LINELENGTH,stdin)) switch (line[0]) {
232 case '/': /* comment */
233 if ((s[1] != '*') || fndcmt (s+2)) poot (line);
234 else do poot (line);
235 while (!fndcmt (line) && (s = fgets (line,LINELENGTH,stdin)));
236 break;
237 case '{': /* open function */
238 case '}': /* close function */
239 case '\f': /* formfeed */
240 case '\n': /* newline */
241 case '#': /* preprocessor command */
242 poot (line);
243 break;
244 case '\t': /* whitespace */
245 case ' ':
246 /* look like function arg def in structure? */
247 if ((t = skipfx (line)) && (s = fndws (t)) && (s = fndnws (s)) &&
248 (((*s == '(') && (s[1] == '*')) ||
249 ((*s == '*') && (s[1] == '(') && (s[2] == '*'))) &&
250 (s = fndws (s)) && (s[-1] == ')') && (s = fndnws (s)) && (*s == '('))
251 unansi (t);
252 else poot (t);
253 break;
254 default: /* begins with anything else */
255 /* look like function proto or def? */
256 if ((t = skipfx (line)) && (s = fndws (t)) && (s = fndnws (s)) &&
257 (s = fndws (s)) && (s = fndnws (s)) && (*s == '('))
258 unansi (t);
259 else poot (t);
260 break;
261 }
262 }

UW-IMAP'd extensions by yuuji